Koppel project- ‘This durational performance will be held every day and will feature Fleur recovering from a double mastectomy. Aiming to connect people from cis-hetero normative realities to the truths of what it is to be trans, during the residency, Fleur invites visitors to sit at the end of their bed and ask questions about their life as a transgender person. Whether one wishes to listen and learn or ask questions, Fleur offers a unique opportunity to engage human-to-human in a safe and open environment.’

This piece was set at the Koppel project in Hampstead in the old prison which I felt was very topical. this piece is the piece I fell in love with the most, talking too strangers about gender and politicals and bodily rights while recovering from my top surgery was so un masking. Some conversations lasted 2 hours others 5 minutes finding ways that perhaps we are more similar than different. All happening while in bed together probably a place were people are most vulnerable.

photos taken by Jesse Galazard.


left a mark

